Tsumami zaiku School Online released April Maiko kanzashi

Tsumatsu zaiku School Online is an online school where you can learn the traditional techniques of tsumami zaiku.
Among them, the Maiko series is very popular because you can learn the seasonal Kanzashi worn by Maiko, which are rarely seen in Japan.

New Kanzashi has been added to the MAIKO series. This is a April Sakura and Butterfly Kanzashi

In this series, you will learn how to make seasonal kanzashi for maiko.

Kanzashi for April is Sakura (Cherry blossoms). Cherry blossoms have been used since ancient times in Japanese poetry and patterns, and are a special flower that symbolizes spring. It’s also one of the national flowers of Japan.




You can learn this Kanzashi step by step with easy to follow video in English!

1. Making Sakura Petals and Flower Core

We will learn how to make sakura with a leaf by deforming maru tsumami and using ken tsumami technique. Also how to make a flower core with thread.


2. Making Butterflies using Hashikiri Technique

We will learn how to make a butterfly by using a special kind of base and a technique to make the size of tsumami small in addition to hashikiri technique. (cutting the heights of the tsumami lower)


3. Assemble Into Kanzashi

We will learn how to assemble many flowers, and buds, and add butterflies to form a round shape tsumami kanzashi traditionally.



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