Let’s Give It A Shot!
You can learn the secrets of Tsumami zaiku , anytime, anywhere!

- How to use the tools correctly
- How to handle delicate traditional cloths, chirimen and habutae
- How to fold the petals to make them look beautiful
- Techniques to make it look three-dimensional
- How to assemble and adjust a Kanzashi, etc.
- How to make butterflies, leaves, sagari, etc.

1.Free Trial & 2.Oneshot Lesson
This is the best and easiest way to get to know about traditional tsumami zaiku
You can briefly learn……
- How to prepare the glue
- How to hold the tweezers
- Two basic skills for tsumami zaiku
And make a cute flower with small leaves!

3.Basic Course
This course is an effective way to learn the basics of tsumami zaiku with the traditional techniques of the craftsperson.
Traditional “Shokunin” Style Method
- About and how to use tools and materials
- How to knead starch glue
- Basic techniques of tsumami zaiku
- Practical use of 2 basic techniques
- How to make a basic tsumami kanzashi (Japanese traditional hair ornament).

4. Middle Course
You will be using silk called “habutae”, the most popular fabric in the traditional tsumami zaiku with more high-level techniques.
- Additional techniques with a variation of the basics.
- How to make variations of flowers (ex. chrysanthemum, three layered plum, bellflower
- How to use “habutae” traditional Japanese silk fabric
- Advanced techniques (double layered maru tsumami, lowering height)
- How to assemble Kanzashi

5. Advanced Course
This course leads you to make a masterpiece of tsumami haiku and by finishing this course you will get a path to being a certified teacher!
- Advanced level of traditional techniques (flower bud, double layered ken tsumami, using stacking base)
- How to assemble in a modern way.
- How to create a masterpiece of tsumami kanzashi

You can learn the traditional methods at your own pace in English
The course is for beginners to experts, to learn and improve their skills at their own pace. Step-by-step instructions are provided so you can eventually create professional works.
Those with experience can definitely improve their skills with the techniques of the master craftsman!
Total 79 comprehensive videos with English narration and subtitles!
It is the only online course you can learn tsumami zaiku in English.
Get LIFETIME access to online video tutorials as long as you have internet access!
The videos are finely divided, easy to find the point you want. Use it as an online dictionary of tsumami zaiku!