Introducing New ITA Certified Teacher in China!

Following the previous announcement, we are pleased to introduce another newly certified teacher.
Cecil Lee (李阳) from China became an ITA-certified teacher!
Cecil is a jewelry and silk flower designer with over 15 years of experience working in Beijing, China.
As her career shows, her works are all precise and graceful.
It’s very exciting for us to see her ability to spread the tradition of tsumami zaiku in Beijing and beyond.
For more information about her check the link below↓
ITA Official Teacher is a person who agrees with ITA(International Tsumami zaiku Association)’s philosophy and has the will to carry on and develop the traditional Japanese tsumami zaiku techniques, and has reached the standards of the traditional techniques.
Teachers promote tsumami zaiku through various activities such as creation and sales, workshops, and other activities as artists and instructors in various countries.
#ITAcertifiedteacher #kanzashi #tsumamizaiku
#つまみ細工講師 #tsumamikanzashischoolonline
#つまみ細工認定講師 #tsumamikanzashi