Are you interested in learning traditional tsumami zaiku?
Well, did you know that you can learn the craftsman‘s technique at home?
Tsumami kanzashi School Online is the school which provides
many video lessons, how to make various kind of tsumami flowers.
It`s in English and we also added subtitles in English
so you can easily understand.
There is a free trial lesson that you can learn the basic two types of
techniques, maru tsumami and ken tsumami.
There are one-shot lessons you can learn how to make butterflies, cosmos flowers,
daffodils, sakura, decoration for the new years, roses, canola flowers and they
are all 80% off now!
There are also courses you can learn how to make kanzashi, and this will be a path
to become a certified teacher! Some people had already finished all the courses and is now about to become a certified teacher!
During the spring sale, the Basic Course will be on special discount price.
1.Course fee 20% off
2. 60min 1:1 zoom session included (you can ask any question and get feedback of your work!)
3. Extra Chirimen cloths 200pcs
It will save you $250!
Take this opportunity to start learning traditional method of tsumami zaiku!!
Special discount will be till May 8th!
#specialdiscount #springsale
#learnjapanesetradition #japanesetraditionalcrafts #tsumamizaikucraft #tsumami_zaiku #kanzashiflowers #tsumamikanzashischoolonline #tsumami #artsandcrafts #tsumamikanzashi #英語で伝統工芸 #handicraftlover #つまみ細工を世界へ #kimonolovers #kanzashi #japanesetradition #kanzashitutorial #kanzashiflowers
#kimonoenthusiast #kanzashicreations #onlinelesson #つまみかんざし #kimono