We are here to announce a fun event to celebrate the establishment of ITA and the opening of the Tsumami Kanzashi School Online!
As mentioned before, we established a new organization ITA (International Tsumami zaiku Association)last month in August.
For the kick off, we’ll be doing an Instagram Live for four days in a row to chat about Tsumami zaiku and to introduce about our new organization!
Live Date: Sept.7~10th 6:00am (Japan time)
Day 1: Introducing our organization. What is Tsumami zaiku? (about history, craftsmen, etc)
Day 2: Charm of Tsumami zaiku. Interview of the ITA members.
Day 3: About the traditional tools. How to make & tips of tsumami zaiku.
Day 4: About Tsumami kanzashi School Online. Teacher`s certification program.
Live broadcaster:
Tommy Yamashita (ITA Representative Director, General Producer, Traditional Tsumami zaiku Teacher)
Tomoko Ota (ITA Director, Product sales Manager (Chirimenbunny owner), Promotion Manager)
We will be announcing about the fun and special event of this month!
Come and join the broadcast!!
How to join the instagram live:
Follow Instagram account : https://www.instagram.com/knot_japan/