Pricilla Yoga Ratnapalasari
Artist name : Hanami
Ever since I was young I have loved Japanese pop culture, such as anime and manga. Japanese traditional clothing such as kimono and hakama always have a special spot in my heart. One day I got the chance to buy a yukata, but then I realized something is missing… a hairpiece, kanzashi. I started researching the many types of kanzashi, and I fell in love with Tsumami Zaiku kanzashi. The intricate design, the meticulous process, the meanings behind every ornament, it’s just perfect!
Reasons you applied the teacher’s certification
While researching Tsumami Zaiku, I realized that there was so little credible information on it. There are many derivatives of Tsumami Zaiku and people are often confused as to where to start. Having experienced the struggle firsthand, I want to help those who are interested in the craft, especially in Indonesia, to start their crafting journey with ease. I also want to spread the tradition of this beautiful craft so it won’t be forgotten in the future.